Mini Pancake / Cereal Pancake. Pancake cereal is just pancakes, but mini, so they're cereal sized! Imagine tiny, tiny freshly cooked pancakes in a bowl and there you have it: pancake How do you eat pancake cereal? To fork or not to fork…I've seen people use a fork to poke the pancakes essentially making mini stacks of.
I made these pancakes with my fluffy.
This mini pancake cereal recipe is made with lots of crispy, mini pancakes!
Every spoonful is filled with bites of super crispy and buttery pancake, all slathered in butter and maple syrup to boot.
Kawan-kawan dapat membuat Mini Pancake / Cereal Pancake hanya dengan menggunakan 8 bahan dan 6 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Mini Pancake / Cereal Pancake yuk!
Bahan-bahan Mini Pancake / Cereal Pancake
- Gunakan 1 Butir of Telur.
- Siapkan 1/2 Cup of Susu Full Cream (125ml).
- Gunakan 12,5 Sdm of Tepung Terigu (125gr).
- Sediakan 1 Sdt of Baking Powder.
- Gunakan 1 Sdt of Pasta Vanila.
- Sediakan 4 Sdm of Gula Pasir.
- Siapkan Sejumput of Garam.
- Dibutuhkan 3 Sdm of Margarin Cair.
Come try the latest viral TikTok recipe! Start by preparing pancake batter — any pancake recipe will work here and that's the beauty of it. But this dish isn't called "Mini Pancakes," it's called "Pancake Cereal." It's called Pancake Cereal because you pour the pancakes into a bowl and eat them by the. How to Make Mini Pancake Cereal.
Cara membuat Mini Pancake / Cereal Pancake
- Kocok telur, masukkan susu cair aduk rata.
- Masukkan tepung terigu, baking powder, gula, pasta vanila, garam campur hingga rata.
- Setelah tercampur rata masukkan mentega cair lalu aduk rata.
- Masukkan kedalam botol plastik (tempat kecap/saos) untuk mempermudah menuang di Teflon.
- Panaskan Teflon, tuang adonan di Teflon. Saat adonan sudah dituang kecilkan api agar tdk mudah gosong bagian bawahnya... lalu tutup Teflon agar panasnya merata....
- Bisa disajikan menggunakan madu atau butter ya... atau diberi susu cair seperti makan cereal. Ini saya sertakan beberapa kreasi yg bisa digunakan yaa... untuk Pancake ukuran besar juga bisa ya... selamat mencoba....
As promised, the method is incredibly easy. Simply mix your favorite pancake batter—from-scratch tastes best but using Next, rather than scooping in right onto a preheated pan, transfer your pancake batter to a squeeze bottle. (If you don't have one on hand, you. Start with your go-to pancake batter. Make the batter according to the package directions. The rest of my family much preferred the dry version.